Press Release
Bow Valley Food Alliance Celebrates $5 Million Commitment from Wim & Nancy Pauw Foundation for Affordable Housing and Community Spaces in Banff
Press Release
The Bow Valley Food Alliance Announces Preservation Picnic Event on September 4, 2024
Press Release
Bow Valley Food Alliance receives an additional $90,00 donation from the Wim Nancy Pauw Foundation.
Wim and Nancy Pauw Foundation donation aims to help Bow Valley Food Alliance
“Social connection is one key to happy and successful communities. The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that the BVFA offers essential supports to a cross-section of people throughout the Bow Valley and our donation will help them build on the work they have done and ensure their long-term sustainability.”
Food charter signing by Canmore council to wait for staff report
“Canmore council directed Town staff to return with a report to outline what would be expected if council were to authorize signing the charter, what the municipality would be able to do to enact change and how it could impact the future decision-making ability of council.”
Canmore council discusses joining food charter
“As food insecurity is a top concern for people and food prices continue to soar, Canmore council will soon decide whether to join the Bow Valley Food Alliance’s food charter.”
Combattre l’insécurité alimentaire dans la Vallée de la Bow
L'émission La Croisée de Radio-Canada discute avec Marie-Eve Marchand de la Charte Alimentaire de la vallée de la Bow signée par la ville de Banff et de l'impact de la pandémie et de la sécurité et alimentaire dans la vallée de la Bow ainsi que des pistes de solutions vers la souverainté alimentaire pour la vallée et l'Alberta.
Town of Banff signs Bow Valley food charter
Food insecurity and high food prices continue to leave many people struggling in the Bow Valley.
Last month, the Town of Banff took the important step of signing the Bow Valley food charter, a framework that conveys what local people want their food systems to look like, including how they grow, harvest, eat, and dispose of food.
Reports highlight strengths, challenges for food security in Canmore, MD of Bighorn
“There’s a very clear understanding for people who work in the food sector, but folks who aren’t so familiar with some of the issues surrounding food in the Bow valley, I don’t think they necessarily see some of those issues if they’re not impacted by them or working in the field on a regular basis."
Donation aims to help food security issues
“Grassroots groups and food support organizations rely on the Bow Valley Food Alliance to help them coordinate and connect. This donation will help us focus on what matters most – improving food security and food sovereignty in the Bow Valley.”
Building a resilient food system in Bow Valley
Imagine a town where every new building development was required to plant—and foot the bill for—a community garden. Better access to fresh, healthy food. Opportunities to get your hands dirty and grow your own food. Stronger connection to your neighbours, and to nature.
That’s what the Bow Valley Food Alliance is working to make possible in several Alberta communities. And it all started with one big idea.
New Canmore-based group, market aim to help with food security
The Bow Valley Root Cellar will hold a weekly community food market Wednesday’s from noon to 6 p.m. at the Canmore Senior’s Centre, featuring vendors from the valley.
“It is very expensive to live here. Having access to healthy and local food can be difficult, so thanks to the [Bow Valley Food Alliance’s] support it can help.”
Avni Soma, BVFA Board of Director selected to advise on National Food Policy Council
“A national council created to help advise the federal Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food will include a voice from the Bow Valley. Avni Soma, president of the Bow Valley Food Alliance, was one of 23 people selected across Canada to help discuss existing and emerging issues on food in the country.”
Bow Valley Food Alliance receives $131K in funding
“Combined, the Bow Valley Food Alliance believes that this work will lead to more resilient and sustainable food systems, a vital step in ensuring our communities will make it through the pandemic.”
Food Movement grows with charter
The Bow Valley Food Alliance is working on growing the local food sovereignty movement with the creation of a local food charter.
Bow Valley Food Alliance received $26,000 for emergency food aid
Two generous grants supporting the Bow Valley Food Alliance (BVFA) have propelled its work amidst COVID-19 and are making a difference to thousands of residents.