Food Supports
The Bow Valley Food Alliance is proud to work with an amazing network of organizations and individuals offering food support services across the Bow Valley. We’ve compiled this resource to make it easier for you to find the help you need.
Important Note: Availability, service dates, and times may change on short notice.
We recommend checking the websites or social media pages of individual programs before attending.
If you have any additions, changes, or updates to the information below, please let us know at
Do you speak another language?
Click on the language of your choice below to learn more about the food supports available in the Bow Valley.
Please note that the translated food supports are more difficult to keep updated due to translation requirements.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
If you have an urgent need you can contact the following :
Canmore: at or call 403-609-3743 to access an emergency food hamper.
Banff: or 403-762-1251
Lake Louise:
MD of Bighorn: 403-673-3611
Dial 211 for 24/7 access to community and social supports information. Alberta 211 is a free helpline with service in over 150 languages.
Bow Valley Area Supports
Website | Email | Telephone | Facebook
The Bow Valley Good Food Box is a way for local residents to access affordable fruits and vegetables.
Pick up locations are Canmore, Banff, Exshaw, Kananaskis, and Lake Louise.
Each box costs $30 and a subsidized $25 option is also available.
If cost is a barrier, please email to discuss options.
Bow Valley Good Food Box
Website | Email | Telephone | Facebook
Mountain Fire Foods has partnered with the Bow Valley Food Bank to provide free weekly meals to those in need. Available to Canmore, Exshaw, Dead Man’s Flats, and Mini Thni residents.
To receive a meal, please email your name, address, and the number of meals you need with the subject line ‘Community Meals’.
Mountain Fire Foods
Banff Food Supports
Website | Email | Telephone | Facebook | Instagram | Volunteer
Mondays, 5 - 7 pm
St. Georges in the Pines,
100 Beaver St.
Community Food and Friend Dinners offer a safe place for people from all segments of society to come together every Monday evening to enjoy the pleasure of a free, attractive, nutritious meal with friends and neighbours.
Banff Food and Friends
Website | Email | Facebook | Instagram
Noon - 1 pm
Banff Park Church,
455 Cougar St
Offers emergency food hampers. Those in need can collect a hamper once a month up to six times a year. ID and registration required.
Closed in July and August.
Banff Food Bank
Banff Food Rescue
Banff Library: Free Little Pantry and Library of Things
Website | Email | Telephone | Facebook | Instagram
Monday - Thursday, 10 am - 7 pm | Friday, 10 am - 6pm | Saturday - Sunday, 11 am - 5 pm
Closed on all statutory holidays.
Banff Public Library, 101 Bear St
The Free Little Pantry is a community supported initiative by the Banff Public Library and Banff Food Rescue. Canned and packaged food items are available for those in need.
Residents can also borrow a variety of items from the Library of Things at the Banff Public Library. Items include tools and cooking appliances. Free for all Banff residents with a valid library membership.
Co-sponsored by the Town of Banff and the Banff Mineral Springs Hospital (BMSH), the service is available to people in the Town of Banff who demonstrate an assessed need for Meals on Wheels.
Client referrals can be made by a family doctor, a Banff MSH nurse or health practitioner upon discharge of a patient or through Integrated Home Care at the Banff Community Health Centre.
$8.50 per meal (price increase pending)
Banff Meals on Wheels
Filipino Organization in the Rocky Mountains (FORM)
Email | Telephone | Facebook |
Provide culturally-appropriate food hampers with priority given to large families, single parents, individuals and families in isolation, and those waiting on government supports.
Please email or call 403-497-4483 to access a food hamper.
Town of Banff: Community Table Lunch
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Volunteer
Wednesdays, 12 - 1 pm
The Pioneer Room, Catharine Robb Whyte Building, 101 Bear St
Every Wednesday between 12-1pm come meet your neighbours, learn about local resources and connect with community again. Enjoy homemade style soup (vegan / gluten free option), salad, dessert, fruit, and tea or coffee. Suggested donation $3.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Volunteer
2nd and 4th Mondays of the month
The Pioneer Room, Catharine Robb Whyte Building, 101 Bear St
Drop in on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at the Pioneer Room (Banff Seniors Centre) above the Banff Public Library.
$9.25 per lunch. Includes starter, salad, main course, dessert, tea/coffee.
Town of Banff: Seniors Lunch
Canmore Food Supports
Bow Valley Food Bank (BVFB)
Website | Telephone | Facebook | Instagram | Volunteer | Donate
Please call us first, 403-678-9488 .This will assist us being prepared for your visit and ensure confidentiality.
Call to Apply for a hamper
Mondays & Wednesdays: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Arranged Hamper can Pick-Up on
Tuesdays: noon - 1:00 pm
Tuesdays: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Thursdays: noon - 1:00 pm
Thursdays: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Website | Telephone | Facebook | Volunteer | Donate
Mondays, 5 - 7 pm
St. Michael's Anglican Church, 709 7 St
Dine in or please bring your own container for take out.
Community Food and Friends Dinners offer a safe place for people from all segments of society, to come together every Monday evening, 52 weeks a year, to enjoy the pleasure of a nutritious meal in a beautiful setting, with friends and neighbours. This dinner serves 300 - 400 consumers per week, providing over 100,000 meals since being initiated in 2013.
Food and Friends brings together a diverse group of community-minded volunteers, increasing connectedness.
Canmore Food and Friends
Website | Facebook | Volunteer
Tues/Thurs, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 1205 1st Ave
An initiative to recover edible food waste and provide it to people within the community.
Suggested donation of $5.
Canmore Food Recovery Barn
Mini Thni Food Supports
Îyâhrhe Nakoda Food Bank
Stoney Community Health Centre
Website | Email | Telephone | Facebook | Instagram
Thursdays, 12 - 3 pm
Provide a variety of food services and programs to the Stoney Nakoda First Nation community members of the Bearspaw, Chiniki, and Wesley bands in Mînî Thnî.
For more information on accessing food supports, please email or call 403-803-7601.